Comparison of these data with similar data from other mines will help define how various combinations of rock and fill behave during blasting. The emphasis is on the theory behind these drilling elements in order to develop a greater understanding of the principles involved in drilling a. Long hole drilling for the platinum industry a mining. Drilling and blasting design based on invariable mining parameters matvey matveevich yakubovskiy and alexander andreevich sankovsky mining department, saintpetersburg mining university, saintpetersburg, 21 line v.
The overall number of shotholes reduced when blasting the same size of rock mass. Introduction drilling and blasting is the major unit operation. Knowledge of mathematical formulas will provide ease in designing a blast that will be safe as well as effective. Respecs explosives engineering division specializes in solving critical drillingandblasting issues safely and effectively. Some raises 20 m long have been blasted and it is obvious that drilling accuracy in these instances is paramount. By comparing the achieved results to the intended design, potential improvements in the drilling and blasting practices can be identified. Presplit blasting spacing hole diameter x 12 burden 0.
A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Get a free drilling and blasting project quote we offer free project quotes, just reach out and we will make it happen. The designing aspects and cost consideration are well defined. Pdf design methodology for underground ring blasting. The first step in designing the cut is to design the blasting such that the blast effects are controlled to suit the requirements of the operation. Blast design software blasting pattern software blast. Optimized design of drilling and blasting operations in. Appropriate blast design is important in order to lessen the production of over size. Blasting definition the process of breaking rocks into smaller pieces by use of explosives. New gpsenabled applications have improved strata recognition. However, secondary blasting is the most expensive type of blasting. Following, is a list of typical considerations that designers should define when they develop new, or attempt improvement to existing, heading rounds.
This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Because of widely varying properties of rock, geologic structure. This module presents recommended blast design practices for surface mine and quarry blasting. Similar sites and a study done by orica refer to appendix a ksmsabrex study show that a drill hole diameter of. Handbook on surface drilling and blasting download ebook. Blaster training module 4 this module presents aspects of surface drilling that are important to blasting operations. This subject is the preparation of the shot area, better known as drilling the holes in the rock. Pdf drillingoperationsmodule1introductiontodrilling. Using triple tube core barrels and van ruth downhole device, core can be recovered and oriented. To achieve a good blast design, an understanding on the rock dynamic response. The purpose of drilling into rock is to provide a blasthole into which explosives can be loaded. For a proper mine planning and design, all of these operations need to be carefully planned in such a manner that can prevent extra loads such as operating costs, environmental footprints, etc. In conventional core drilling method a complete analysis cannot be performed due to the lack of core orientation. Outline introduction drilling explosive used in opencast mine types of variables in blast design blasting patterns used in indian opencast mines concept of optimum blasting conclusion 3.
Based on desired blasting inputs such as face coordinates, hole diameter, pattern layout, face rock characteristics and location, face profile, hole diameter, pattern layout, desired fragmentation size, explosives and initiating devices, environmental constraints, blast designer software blades calculates blast plan parameters, explosives charge distribution, initiation timing and sequence. We want our clients to experience that they can rely on us to complete any special project efficiently and on time with regard to health, safety and environmental consideration. Drill patterns and explosive loads can be modified, and within drilling equipment limits, holesize can be changed. The characterization of the structure of rock masses is an important consideration at the sarcheshmeh mine. Blast design in opencast mining linkedin slideshare. Chapter 19 blast design introduction this chapter is an introduction to blasting techniques based primarily on the explosives and blasting procedures manual dick et al.
Drilling and blasting integrated onsite drilling and blasting services for about 25 years, epc groupes have proven their ability to take up the challenges of a profession in which performance is key to success. Click download or read online button to get handbook on surface drilling and blasting book now. Drill depths are accounted for more accurately, making it easier to assign the right amount of explosives in blasting. Many mines and excavation sites still plan their drilling patterns manually, but advanced computer programs are. They are hired based on their experience, skill, and ability to complete the most challenging of jobs. Whether supplied as an independent service or integrated in a global blasting service, drilling and blasting is a fundamental link in the production chain. Prior to blasting the contractor shall submit a written blast plan to the engineer for conditional approval. The variety of applications to which it can be put has extended and continues to extend well beyond the original conception of primary blasthole drilling. A case study examination of two blast rounds at a nevada. Mining activity is mostly represented by these four main operations. Blast design introduction this chapter is an introduction to blasting techniques based primarily on the explosives and blasting procedures manual dick et al. For example, the specific charge at tunneling is 310 times higher than at bench blasting, depending on borehole deviation, tight holes, lift of the fragments, and the fact that. The shot layout is required to be properly engineered, documented, and adhered to for maximum consistency.
Drilling production drilling will be done with electric drills with a 15m bench height. Drilling and blasting quarry operators commonly design fragmentation shots for safety, economy, ease of use at the primary crusher, and even public relations, but they often forget about quality. Ring drilling and blasting is done from a series of sub level drill drifts developed in the ore body. University of rizona mining and geological engineering rock excavation mne 415 515. New gpsenabled applications have improved strata recognition capabilities that help drill and blast engineers develop more appropriate and more suitable blast designs. The focus in this paper is the selection, application and optimization of long hole drilling equipment at mining operations shallower than 2 000 meters. In drilling, there is now available advanced use of gps guided drilling systems that continue to grow and improve precision and ef. Figure 87 analysis of efficient blast design efficient blast designs combined with the proper choice of explosive can produce better fragmentation with.
Shaped charges are sometime used in secondary blasting, but this is much more expensive. For underground metalnonmetal drifting applications stephen r. A program for drilling fluids engineers and drilling fluids companies mud engineer can produce an api style report for obm or wbm in a few minutes. The vision of al drilling is to be the market leader in drilling and blasting techniques in south africa as well as internationally. Click download or read online button to get drilling and blasting book now. Johnson office of mine safety and health research national institute for occupational safety and health abstract this report presents a new concept in perimeter control blasting for underground.
Types of explosives explosives based on chemical nature. Pdf drilling and blasting as a tunnel excavation method. In addition to providing its drill fleet for hire, xcel drilling and blasting also offers quarries and mines the option of a full rock on ground service from developing full blast designs and plans through to drilling the holes and shotfiring. This is a book which comprehensively cover each aspects of drilling and blasting. This reference may be obtained free of charge in adobe acrobat pdf format through the fhwa at the following. This module presents recommended blastdesign practices for surface mine and quarry blasting. Drill and blast method has been widely used as an effective excavation method for underground rock caverns or tunnels. Johnson office of mine safety and health research national institute for occupational safety and health abstract this report presents a new concept in.
Changes to blast design following the introduction of the memu truck the size of the shothole diameter increased from 95mm to 110mm. Drilling and blasting parameters, energy distribution. The purpose of drilling into rock is to provide a blasthole into which explosives can be. A new perimeter control blast design concept for underground. Drilling and blasting an overview sciencedirect topics. Since every mining and construction site has its own characteristics, the given drilling patterns should be considered merely as guidelines. The team combines their advanced knowledge of drilling and blasting with experience in mine planning and operations to provide a unique turnkey approach to improving drillingandblasting operations with a focus on improving overall mining unit costs. Drilling and blasting powerpoint 2003 linkedin slideshare.
Optimized design of drilling and blasting operations in open. Secondary blasting can be done by pop shooting blockholing and plaster shooting mudcapping. University of rizona mining and geological engineering. Optimization of blasting parameters in opencast mines. Drilling engineering a distributed learning course forward the drilling engineering workbook is a correspondence distributed learning course which covers the important elements of drilling a well. Single pass blasting in which the complete loaded design is detonated in a single event has been developed providing holes are accurately drilled. In order to have the correct person contact you for a free onsite evaluation and quote on your rock blasting project, we need some basic information to start.
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